what could ever last longer than memory?

There is no such thing as permanence. Everything washes away. Buildings rot and collapse, towers fall, seasons change, and time moves on. Yet the same time – there is no such thing as separation. Things change, and waver, and move, and we are not exempt; we all share this changing. Sometimes, in the most special of ways, it even brings us together.
This is a piece that is draped in remembering. It is a place for memory to live, to intermingle with modernization and create a meeting point where they both can rest side by side. Interacting presently with this piece you are surrounded by memory, by everything that has ever existed and all that still does – tree trunks, fabric, music, light, us – and you will come away a little different, stained by all this time.
In a way, this project is a time machine. It serves as a place to make you think about time differently, how time is something we feel when we cross through any kind of space, how it’s all directions, not just the one we move through physically, because we can time travel just as easily with our eyes, our minds, our hearts, we jump back and forth constantly, memory running through us, with us, we are moving through time so quick we can’t stand still though it, we’re running and racing and our hearts are just beating and beating and beating, we’re breathing like everyone else did, before us, living and laughing and stomping our feet against the earth screaming and crying and living, with the weight of everything on us. How everything has changed, but at the same time, we all have shared it.
The project’s title, The Underview Effect, is a play off of the Overview Effect, a phenomena that happens to astronauts when they see the Earth from above, the overwhelming feeling of awe that occurs. I wanted to try and mimic that effect, without the added spaceflight. There is so much here that surrounds us, so much below us that can connect us to our past, present, and future in a similar way.
I wanted to make space, somewhere special, for people to feel that feeling. To carve a cave above ground, a meeting point between here and there that serves as an introductory to how we think about how we interact with time, with history and legacy and existing, in comparison to all that has come before, all that is here right now, and all that will come after.
In a way, this project is just simply asking: are you here with me? and do you remember it all?
inspirational playlist: