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ghost in the room

a future project.

there is a distinction, within the progression of the self and time’s impact, where we change. where we, the living things that we are, are bound with and to change. as we continue with our lives, there becomes this feeling of strangerness, that holds itself in difference, severance, from a past self or past experience, and those pieces become fossils of our past selves: of the lives we live within life.

these pieces of ourselves, of our lives, that existed but also didn’t – still hold weight. they’re in memories, mementos, photographs: we see them, but they aren’t really us anymore. they aren’t really there, but still, they find ways to stick around. they’re ghosts in the room. they’re us, and they'll be us, for as long as we keep them close. for as long as we carry them with us. they're the past and present and active future, all in one.

everything is a self-portrait, and nothing is as personal or as domestically inclined as our living spaces, and the bedroom stands above all else. there is something about creating a central concept of home, and that it can be anywhere – hotel rooms or guest rooms or any space in-between – it’s where we become, and unbecome, over and again.

these kinds of spaces are living, breathing artifacts. they portray who we are now, as well as who we were before, pieces of us that we liked so much that we put purpose behind them. we called them our own and we laid down tracks towards them, roads that will lead us to one specific point of thinking, reminiscing, inspiration, day after day. we make them a part of our routines, our lives. we make them a part of ourselves, like this. but they also can show a piece of a future identity, in what we keep, in what stays and what changes, in how this shift of things impacts the spaces we live in, impacts the way we are ourselves.

pieces that used to be a part of daily routines, important aspects of identity, become versed, something outside time, both intangible and tangible in the way we can see and feel, only in the way it has shifted elements of time. it leaves a mark, a scratch, a shape, an impression to change us, to change time.

i wanted to portray this feeling through my own room, and include what isn’t there but is, to me. to show how my room reflects who i am now, and to begin a series with each room i home myself in, telling the story about who lives there, who they’re becoming, who they are then, versus who they have become in the future. i would love to show this progression through a projection of having an old room projected over a new one, and being able to see and highlight the edges of difference, is a concept i would love to explore with the next iterations in the series.

ideally, these would be projected moving images on walls, but since i currently don't have a projector, the effects and text are edited in. they're a start to an indefinite project, aiming to have the audience really think about their own homes and living spaces, to see all the ways in which they're leaving pieces of themselves, visible or not, everywhere they go.


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